Welcome to Bafbay Store

We strive to achieve consumer aspirations and provide the highest level of satisfaction to our customers

Customers wishing to obtain the services provided by bafbay Store must agree to the following terms of use and privacy policy:


 must be at least 18 years old

We reserve the right to make any changes to the information on the site

We reserve the right to refuse an application without giving reasons –

– The information required by our website, which is the name / address / email / phone number is one of the necessities to deliver products and provide better services to customers.

– Our website works only as a link between the customer and the bank or the electronic payment gateway, no information is stored on our website for any credit card, bank account or any bank data

– All payment information and customer information are protected according to the standard information protection technology.

– No customer information will be shared with any third party except with the consent of the customer or as required by law

– It is not possible to reuse, copy or copy any image, description or data from our website without the written permission of the company

Personal data protection

It includes several practical, electronic and administrative procedures to maintain the confidentiality of customers’ information. We use the electronic encryption feature and standard protection technology (you will be discredited). We also perform several procedures to protect the private data of our customers within our facilities where access to customer data is completely prohibited, this data It is granted only to employees who need them to perform their work in relation to optimal customer service.