Welcome to Bafbay Store

We strive to achieve consumer aspirations and provide the highest level of satisfaction to our customers

Return Order

  • In the event that the product is damaged or does not conform to the description declared on the site, the customer has the right to return the entire order or parts of it and recover all his payments.
  • In the case of the desire to return the order or parts thereof, despite the absence of a logical reason for the return, such as if the product is damaged or does not match the description advertised on the site, the customer will bear the return cost and the money transfer fees for the amount.
  • The allowed period for returning products is fourteen days, starting from the date of purchase. No cancellation or return of products will be accepted after the expiry of that period.
  • The buyer / customer must return the products in good and clean condition and in their basic packaging.
  • The seller will refund the value of the products to the buyer / customer within 48 hours of receiving the returned products and the seller has the right to determine the appropriate payment method.